Our capacity to record information has increased exponentially over time while the longevity of the media used to store the information has decreased equivalently. Example: Tablets that last thousands of years vs SnapChat with lifespan of 10 Seconds http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/conway2/index.html
Author Archives: JohnW
Lac-Mégantic’s Library and History Loss
One very sad event. http://www.cbc.ca/quebecam/lac-megantic/2013/07/11/lac-megantics-history-rewritten (there is an audio link listen) Very moving at about 1minute in… “…Roy fought back tears as she described the archives that had been housed at the library: baptism records that came over with colonists from France in the 17th century, local politicians’ correspondence, and documents related to the various social clubs in town….” “For the longest time, I kept at my home letters my uncle had written to my grandmother when he was a prisoner of war during World War II,” said Roy, 65, her voice breaking. “But then, just recently, I brought them to the library so my uncle’s grandchildren would be able to view them whenever they wished. I was actually scared they might get destroyed in a fire if I kept them in my house.” http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/irreplaceable-archives-lost-among-lac-m%C3%A9gantic-destruction-1.1363083 “…Lac-Mégantic’s only library lost a one-of-a-kind trove, which included original local artwork, heirlooms donated by families, the oldest-known photos of the town and the negatives…” http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2013/07/industry-news/fire-destroys-canadian-library-archive/ – _ “…Lac-Mégantic’s only library lost a one-of-a-kind trove, which included original local artwork, heirlooms donated by families, the oldest-known photos of the town and the negatives….” “….I think this is the first time that a library with this kind of archival collection has been destroyed.” The extent of the loss may be literally incalculable:…”
Photo Bankruptcy & Kodak Bankruptcy
http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2012/jan/19/kodak-bankruptcy-digital-photography “Kodak was the first company to create the digital camera, but back then most of its profits came from selling chemicals [used for developing film], and they were afraid to invest because they thought it would eat into the traditional business,” “..his bosses vetoed it over fears of the “cannibalization of film”. “There will be no more ‘Kodak moments’ “…
Photo Bankruptcy
It used to be that Kodak help us preserve our “Kodak Moments”. The expense of film and the cost of developing the photos keep the system in check. Now like rabbits with an unlimited food supply and no predators, our moments have multiplied and have become overwhelming. http://www.cnet.com/news/picture-overload-makes-me-want-to-declare-photo-bankruptcy/ Picture overload makes me want to declare ‘photo bankruptcy’ Unable to keep up with all the pictures he takes, Danny Sullivan wonders if it’s time to give up trying to organize them all. http://www.cnet.com/news/is-apples-new-photo-app-the-backup-and-sharing-solution-weve-been-waiting-for/ Will Apple’s Photos app solve ‘photo bankruptcy’? Commentary: Apple’s new app coming for iOS 8 and the Mac looks promising, with cloud backup for all your pictures.
How can you tell if a site is vulneralbe to the Heartbeat SSL bug?
One simple way to tell if a site is vulnerable is use one of the two links below:
http://rehmann.co/projects/heartbeat or http://filippo.io/Heartbleed/
Here are two sites that provide detailed information on the heartbeat SSL vulnerability: http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/04/critical-crypto-bug-in-openssl-opens-two-thirds-of-the-web-to-eavesdropping/ http://www.troyhunt.com/2014/04/everything-you-need-to-know-about.html
“move it to hard drives and put them in a drawer” — “everybody who was doing that has lost content”
“When we started our company, for the most part, Hollywood production and post facilities who needed to move [digital content] off of their SAN would move it to hard drives and put them in a drawer,” recalls Mark Ostlund of Cache-A, which was just exhibiting advanced LTO appliances like the Pro-Cache610 and the Simul-Copy system at the Hollywood Post Alliance Tech Retreat in Palm Springs, CA. “Now, everybody who was doing that has lost content, because HDDs are only viable for about five years-and, in fact, the signal can fade in as little as one year. So the industry has gone through self-education.
– See more at: http://www.studiodaily.com/2014/02/lto-its-not-just-for-archives-anymore/#sthash.0EaIW4o6.dpuf
ioSafe Great Review of FireProof NAS
Microsofts’s Disk2vhd Updated
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ee656415 Microsoft updates Disk2Vhx. They added support the newer VHDx format. [cid:[email protected]]
Great Post at BlackBlaze on Hard Drive Failure Rates
http://blog.backblaze.com/2013/11/12/how-long-do-disk-drives-last/ Here is a summary from their well written POST. ” the percentage of drives at Backblaze that are still alive at different ages: For the first 1.5 years, drives fail at 5.1% per year. For the next 1.5 years, drives fail LESS, at about 1.4% per year. After 3 years though, failures rates skyrocket to 11.8% per year.” – BackBlaze
Login Sticky Key work around
Here is a great post on a work around for the sticky key issue when using logmein on Server 2012 to access Hyper-V guests. http://mctexpert.blogspot.com/2012/09/sticky-key-problem-between-windows.html [cid:[email protected]]